This tutorial is created to introduce some frontend libraries & frameworks.
To avoid confusion, This tutorial is written simply and exclude optimization.
if you want more information, look 'Related Links' placed at bottom of each tutorial.
Table of Contents
- STEP1: Initialize node package
- STEP2: Use another node package
- STEP3: Make my package browser-executable by Webpack
- STEP4: Use ES6 syntax by Babel
- STEP5: Use React
- STEP6: Use Style Guide by ESLint
- STEP7: Manage task by Gulp
- STEP8: Add Sourcemaps by Webpack
- STEP9: Create Simple app with Reflux & React
- STEP10: Make your app sync with REST API server with json-server & jquery
Step1: Initialize node package
Initailize node package.
npm init # This command make package.json
{ "name": "step-by-step-frontend", "version": "0.0.0", "description": "step by step learning about frontend", "main": "index.js", "author": "ironhee <>", "license": "MIT" }
Write your node module.
'use strict'; module.exports = function helloWorld() { console.log('hello world!'); };
load & run your module.
'use strict'; var helloWorld = require('./'); helloWorld();
node test.js # hello world!
Related links
Step2: Use another node package
Install another node package.
npm install --save underscore
{ "name": "step-by-step-frontend", "version": "0.0.0", "description": "step by step learning about frontend", "main": "index.js", "author": "ironhee <>", "license": "MIT", "dependencies": { "underscore": "^1.8.3" } }
update your node module.
'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'); module.exports = function helloWorld() { _.times(10, function (index) { console.log('[' + index + '] hello world!'); }); };
load & run your module.
'use strict'; var helloWorld = require('./'); helloWorld();
node test.js # [0] hello world! ...
create .gitignore
Related links
Step3: Make my package browser-executable by Webpack
Install & Initailize bower package.
npm install -g bower bower init # This command make bower.json
{ "name": "step-by-step-frontend", "version": "0.0.0", "description": "step by step learning about frontend", "main": "dist/index.js", "authors": [ "ironhee <>" ], "license": "MIT" }
Install webpack
npm install -g webpack
create webpack config
'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'); var pkg = require('./package.json'); module.exports = { entry: { 'index': './index.js' }, output: { path: 'dist/', filename: '[name].js', library: 'MyLib', libraryTarget: 'umd' } };
build source code by webpack
webpack # use webpack.config.js by default
if you want to rebuild on file change, use --watch option
webpack --watch # ctrl-c to exit
load & run your module.
<html> <body> <script src='./dist/index.js'></script> <script> MyLib(); </script> </body> </html>
change package.json 'main' property
{ "name": "step-by-step-frontend", "version": "0.0.0", "description": "step by step learning about frontend", "main": "dist/index.js", "author": "ironhee <>", "license": "MIT", "dependencies": { "underscore": "^1.8.3" } }
load & run your node module.
'use strict'; var helloWorld = require('./'); helloWorld();
node test.js # [0] hello world! ...
Related links
Step4: Use ES6 syntax by Babel
Install babel-loader by npm
npm install --save-dev babel-loader
rename index.js and change content
mv index.js index.es6
import _ from 'underscore'; export default function helloWorld() { _.times(10, (index) => { console.log(`[${index}] hello world!`); }); }
change webpack config
'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'); var pkg = require('./package.json'); module.exports = { entry: { 'index': './index.es6' }, output: { path: 'dist/', filename: '[name].js', library: 'MyLib', libraryTarget: 'umd' }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.es6$/, loader: 'babel-loader' } ] } };
build source code by webpack
test browser-side and node-side
<html> <body> <script src='./dist/index.js'></script> <script> MyLib(); </script> </body> </html>
node test.js # [0] hello world! ...
Related links
Step5: Use React
Install React by npm
npm install --save react
make some directories
mkdir -p src/js/components
create modules and rendering script
import React from 'react'; export default React.createClass({ render() { return ( <div> <h1>Hello world!</h1> </div> ); } });
import MyComponent from './components/MyComponent'; export default { MyComponent };
import React from 'react'; import { MyComponent } from './app'; React.render(<MyComponent/>, document.body);
remove old files and change webpack config
rm -rf test.js test.html index.es6 dist/index.js
separate webpack config
'use strict'; module.exports = { resolve: { extensions: ['', '.js', '.es6'] }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.es6$/, loader: 'babel-loader' } ] } };
'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'); var baseConfig = require('./webpack.base.config'); module.exports = _.extend({}, baseConfig, { entry: { 'app': './src/js/app.es6' }, output: { path: 'dist/', filename: 'index.js', library: 'MyLib', libraryTarget: 'umd' } });
'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'); var baseConfig = require('./webpack.base.config'); module.exports = _.extend({}, baseConfig, { entry: { 'main': './src/js/main.es6' }, output: { path: 'dist/', filename: 'main.js', libraryTarget: 'umd' } });
build by webpack
webpack # build library code webpack --config webpack.main.config # build rendering code
check in node and browser
node -e 'console.log(require("./"))' # { MyComponent: { [Function] displayName: 'MyComponent' } }
<html> <body> <script src='../dist/index.js'></script> <script> console.log(MyLib) </script> </body> </html>
use main.js (rendering logic) in browser
<html> <body> <script src='../dist/index.js'></script> <script> console.log(MyLib) </script> <script src='../dist/main.js'></script> </body> </html>
Related links
Step6: Use Style Guide by ESLint
Install eslint and plugins by npm
npm install --save-dev eslint babel-eslint eslint-plugin-react
make eslint configs
{ "env": { "browser": true, "node": true }, "rules": { "strict": [2, "global"], "no-shadow": 2, "no-shadow-restricted-names": 2, "no-unused-vars": [2, { "vars": "local", "args": "after-used" }], "no-use-before-define": 2, "comma-dangle": [2, "never"], "no-cond-assign": [2, "always"], "no-console": 1, "no-debugger": 1, "no-alert": 1, "no-constant-condition": 1, "no-dupe-keys": 2, "no-duplicate-case": 2, "no-empty": 2, "no-ex-assign": 2, "no-extra-boolean-cast": 0, "no-extra-semi": 2, "no-func-assign": 2, "no-inner-declarations": 2, "no-invalid-regexp": 2, "no-irregular-whitespace": 2, "no-obj-calls": 2, "no-reserved-keys": 2, "no-sparse-arrays": 2, "no-unreachable": 2, "use-isnan": 2, "block-scoped-var": 2, "consistent-return": 2, "curly": [2, "multi-line"], "default-case": 2, "dot-notation": [2, { "allowKeywords": true }], "eqeqeq": 2, "guard-for-in": 2, "no-caller": 2, "no-else-return": 2, "no-eq-null": 2, "no-eval": 2, "no-extend-native": 2, "no-extra-bind": 2, "no-fallthrough": 2, "no-floating-decimal": 2, "no-implied-eval": 2, "no-lone-blocks": 2, "no-loop-func": 2, "no-multi-str": 2, "no-native-reassign": 2, "no-new": 2, "no-new-func": 2, "no-new-wrappers": 2, "no-octal": 2, "no-octal-escape": 2, "no-param-reassign": 2, "no-proto": 2, "no-redeclare": 2, "no-return-assign": 2, "no-script-url": 2, "no-self-compare": 2, "no-sequences": 2, "no-throw-literal": 2, "no-with": 2, "radix": 2, "vars-on-top": 2, "wrap-iife": [2, "any"], "yoda": 2, "indent": [2, 2], "brace-style": [2, "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true }], "quotes": [ 2, "single", "avoid-escape" ], "camelcase": [2, { "properties": "never" }], "comma-spacing": [2, { "before": false, "after": true }], "comma-style": [2, "last"], "eol-last": 2, "func-names": 1, "key-spacing": [2, { "beforeColon": false, "afterColon": true }], "new-cap": [2, { "newIsCap": true }], "no-multiple-empty-lines": [2, { "max": 2 }], "no-nested-ternary": 2, "no-new-object": 2, "no-spaced-func": 2, "no-trailing-spaces": 2, "no-wrap-func": 2, "no-underscore-dangle": 0, "one-var": [2, "never"], "padded-blocks": [2, "never"], "semi": [2, "always"], "semi-spacing": [2, { "before": false, "after": true }], "space-after-keywords": 2, "space-before-blocks": 2, "space-before-function-paren": [2, "never"], "space-infix-ops": 2, "space-return-throw-case": 2, "spaced-line-comment": 2, } }
{ "parser": "babel-eslint", "plugins": [ "react" ], "ecmaFeatures": { "arrowFunctions": true, "blockBindings": true, "classes": true, "defaultParams": true, "destructuring": true, "forOf": true, "generators": false, "modules": true, "objectLiteralComputedProperties": true, "objectLiteralDuplicateProperties": false, "objectLiteralShorthandMethods": true, "objectLiteralShorthandProperties": true, "spread": true, "superInFunctions": true, "templateStrings": true, "jsx": true }, "rules": { "strict": [2, "never"], "no-var": 2, "react/display-name": 0, "react/jsx-boolean-value": 2, "react/jsx-quotes": [2, "double"], "react/jsx-no-undef": 2, "react/jsx-sort-props": 0, "react/jsx-sort-prop-types": 0, "react/jsx-uses-react": 2, "react/jsx-uses-vars": 2, "react/no-did-mount-set-state": [2, "allow-in-func"], "react/no-did-update-set-state": 2, "react/no-multi-comp": 2, "react/no-unknown-property": 2, "react/prop-types": 2, "react/react-in-jsx-scope": 2, "react/self-closing-comp": 2, "react/wrap-multilines": 2, "react/sort-comp": [2, { "order": [ "displayName", "mixins", "statics", "propTypes", "getDefaultProps", "getInitialState", "componentWillMount", "componentDidMount", "componentWillReceiveProps", "shouldComponentUpdate", "componentWillUpdate", "componentWillUnmount", "/^on.+$/", "/^get.+$/", "/^render.+$/", "render" ] }] } }
install editor plugin
- sublime text: Install SublimeLinter & SublimeLinter-eslint
- atom: Install linter & linter-eslint
Related links
Step7: Manage task by Gulp
Install gulp by npm
npm install -g gulp npm install --save-dev gulp
Install webpack and plugin by npm
npm install --save-dev webpack npm install --save-dev webpack-gulp-logger
create gulp config file (gulpfile.js)
'use strict'; var gulp = require('gulp'); var webpack = require('webpack'); var webpackLogger = require('webpack-gulp-logger'); var libWebpackConfig = require('./webpack.config'); var mainWebpackConfig = require('./webpack.main.config'); gulp.task('default', [ 'watch' ]); gulp.task('watch', [ 'watch-lib', 'watch-main' ]); gulp.task('build', [ 'build-lib', 'build-main' ]); gulp.task('watch-lib', function() { webpack(libWebpackConfig).watch({}, webpackLogger()); }); gulp.task('watch-main', function() { webpack(mainWebpackConfig).watch({}, webpackLogger()); }); gulp.task('build-lib', function(callback) { webpack(libWebpackConfig).run(webpackLogger(callback)); }); gulp.task('build-main', function(callback) { webpack(mainWebpackConfig).run(webpackLogger(callback)); });
run gulp task
for build
gulp build
for watch
gulp watch
Related links
Step8: Add Sourcemaps by Webpack
set devtool property in webpack config
'use strict'; module.exports = { devtool: 'eval-source-map', resolve: { extensions: ['', '.js', '.es6'] }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.es6$/, loader: 'babel-loader' } ] } };
build by gulp
gulp build
now you can distinguish source code.
Related links
Step9: Create Simple app with Reflux & React
add resolve.modulesDirectories option to webpack config for convenience
'use strict'; module.exports = { devtool: 'eval-source-map', resolve: { modulesDirectories: ['src/js/', 'node_modules'], extensions: ['', '.js', '.es6'] }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.es6$/, loader: 'babel-loader' } ] } };
create Commment.es6 and CommentSite.es6
import React from 'react'; export default React.createClass({ propTypes: { comment: React.PropTypes.shape({ content: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, updatedAt: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired }).isRequired }, render() { return ( <div> { this.props.comment.content } - { this.props.comment.updatedAt.toDateString() } <a href="#">remove</a> </div> ); } });
import React from 'react'; import _ from 'underscore'; import Comment from 'components/Comment'; export default React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return { comments: [{ id: 1, content: 'this is comment1!', updatedAt: new Date( }, { id: 2, content: 'this is comment2!', updatedAt: new Date( }] }; }, render() { return ( <div> <h3>Comments</h3> {, comment => ( <Comment comment={ comment } key={ } /> )) } <form> <textarea ref="newComment"></textarea> <button>Comment!</button> </form> </div> ); } });
add CommentSite to app.es6
import MyComponent from 'components/MyComponent'; import CommentSite from 'components/CommentSite'; export default { MyComponent, CommentSite };
change main.es6
import React from 'react'; import { CommentSite } from 'app'; React.render(<CommentSite/>, document.body);
open demo.index.html in browser and check components are correctly rendered
install reflux, q, underscore-db by npm
npm install --save reflux q@~1.0 underscore-db
add node.fs option to webpack config
'use strict'; module.exports = { devtool: 'eval-source-map', node: { fs: 'empty' }, resolve: { modulesDirectories: ['src/js/', 'node_modules'], extensions: ['', '.js', '.es6'] }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.es6$/, loader: 'babel-loader' } ] } };
define comment actions
import Reflux from 'reflux'; export default Reflux.createActions({ createComment: { asyncResult: true }, removeComment: { asyncResult: true } });
set reflux promise factory to Q.Promise
import Reflux from 'reflux'; import Q from 'q'; Reflux.setPromiseFactory(Q.Promise); import MyComponent from 'components/MyComponent'; import CommentSite from 'components/CommentSite'; export default { MyComponent, CommentSite };
create comment store
import underscoreDB from 'underscore-db'; import _ from 'underscore'; _.mixin(underscoreDB); export default function DBMixin() { let result = { db: [] }; _.extend(result, _(result.db)); return result; }
import Reflux from 'reflux'; import CommentActions from 'actions/CommentActions'; import DBMixin from 'mixins/DBMixin'; import { Promise } from 'q'; export default Reflux.createStore({ mixins: [new DBMixin()], listenables: [CommentActions], onCreateComment(content) { CommentActions.createComment.promise( new Promise((resolve) => { let comment = this.insert({ content, updatedAt: new Date( }); resolve(comment); this.trigger(); }) ); }, onRemoveComment(commentID) { CommentActions.removeComment.promise( new Promise((resolve) => { let comment = this.removeById(commentID); resolve(comment); this.trigger(); }) ); } });
make Commment.es6 and CommentSite.es6 use store & actions
import React from 'react'; import CommentActions from 'actions/CommentActions'; export default React.createClass({ propTypes: { comment: React.PropTypes.shape({ content: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, updatedAt: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired }).isRequired }, onRemove() { CommentActions.removeComment( .then(() => { alert('removed!'); }); return false; }, render() { return ( <div> { this.props.comment.content } - { this.props.comment.updatedAt.toDateString() } <a href="#" onClick={ this.onRemove }>remove</a> </div> ); } });
import React from 'react'; import Reflux from 'reflux'; import _ from 'underscore'; import Comment from 'components/Comment'; import CommentStore from 'stores/CommentStore'; import CommentActions from 'actions/CommentActions'; function getStoreState() { return { comments: CommentStore.value() }; } export default React.createClass({ mixins: [ Reflux.listenTo(CommentStore, 'onStoreChange') ], getInitialState() { return getStoreState(); }, onStoreChange() { this.setState(getStoreState()); }, onCreateComment() { let content = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.newComment).value; CommentActions.createComment(content) .then(() => { alert('created!'); }); return false; }, render() { return ( <div> <h3>Comments</h3> {, comment => ( <Comment comment={ comment } key={ } /> )) } <form onSubmit={ this.onCreateComment }> <textarea ref="newComment"></textarea> <button>Comment!</button> </form> </div> ); } });
open demo.index.html in browser and check components are correctly operated
Related links
- modulesDirectories option
- promise
- q
- flux
- reflux
- react
- underscore-db
- reflux-todo
- Cannot resolve module 'fs'
STEP10: Make your app sync with REST API server with json-server & jquery
Install json-server globally by npm
npm install -g json-server
Create directory for json-server
mkdir public
Move demo/index.html to public/index.html
mv demo/index.html public rm -rf demo
Change content of public/index.html
<html> <body> <script src='/static/main.js'></script> </body> </html>
Make symbolic link of static files.
ln -s ../dist/ public/static
create db.json
Run json-server
json-server db.json # {^_^} Hi! # # Loading database from db.json # # # You can now go to http://localhost:3000 # # Enter s at any time to create a snapshot # of the db
Open http://localhost:3000 in browser. and check your app is correctly operated.
Install jquery, url-join by npm
npm install -S jquery url-join
Make CommentStore use Ajax Request.
import underscoreDB from 'underscore-db'; import _ from 'underscore'; import $ from 'jquery'; import urlJoin from 'url-join'; import { Promise } from 'q'; _.mixin(underscoreDB); function ajaxRequest(options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.ajax(options) .then(resolve) .fail(reject); }); } export default function DBMixin(type) { let result = { db: [] }; let methods = _(result.db); _.extend(result, methods); _.extend(result, { insert(attributes) { return ajaxRequest({ type: 'POST', url: urlJoin(type), data: attributes }) .then(response => { return response; }) .then(response => methods.insert(response)); }, removeById(id) { return ajaxRequest({ type: 'DELETE', url: urlJoin(type, id) }) .then(() => methods.removeById(id)); } }); return result; }
import Reflux from 'reflux'; import CommentActions from 'actions/CommentActions'; import DBMixin from 'mixins/DBMixin'; import { Promise } from 'q'; export default Reflux.createStore({ mixins: [new DBMixin('comments')], listenables: [CommentActions], onCreateComment(content) { CommentActions.createComment.promise( new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.insert({ content, updatedAt: new Date().getTime() }) .then(comment => resolve(comment)) .then(() => this.trigger()) .catch(reject); }) ); }, onRemoveComment(commentID) { CommentActions.removeComment.promise( new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.removeById(commentID) .then(comment => resolve(comment)) .then(() => this.trigger()) .catch(reject); }) ); } });
Warning: comment.updatedAt field's type is change.
Apply comment.updatedAt field's type change.
import React from 'react'; import CommentActions from 'actions/CommentActions'; export default React.createClass({ propTypes: { comment: React.PropTypes.shape({ content: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, updatedAt: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired }).isRequired }, onRemove() { CommentActions.removeComment( .then(() => { alert('removed!'); }); return false; }, render() { return ( <div> { this.props.comment.content } - { new Date(this.props.comment.updatedAt).toDateString() } <a href="#" onClick={ this.onRemove }>remove</a> </div> ); } });
Open http://localhost:3000 in browser. and check your app make ajax request correctly.
add fetchComments action to CommentActions
import Reflux from 'reflux'; export default Reflux.createActions({ fetchComments: { asyncResult: true }, createComment: { asyncResult: true }, removeComment: { asyncResult: true } });
make CommentSite trigger fetchComment action after rendered. (componentDidMount)
import React from 'react'; import Reflux from 'reflux'; import _ from 'underscore'; import Comment from 'components/Comment'; import CommentStore from 'stores/CommentStore'; import CommentActions from 'actions/CommentActions'; function getStoreState() { return { comments: CommentStore.value() }; } export default React.createClass({ mixins: [ Reflux.listenTo(CommentStore, 'onStoreChange') ], getInitialState() { return getStoreState(); }, componentDidMount() { CommentActions.fetchComments(); }, onStoreChange() { this.setState(getStoreState()); }, onCreateComment() { let content = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.newComment).value; CommentActions.createComment(content) .then(() => { alert('created!'); }); return false; }, render() { return ( <div> <h3>Comments</h3> {, comment => ( <Comment comment={ comment } key={ } /> )) } <form onSubmit={ this.onCreateComment }> <textarea ref="newComment"></textarea> <button>Comment!</button> </form> </div> ); } });
implement fetch method
import underscoreDB from 'underscore-db'; import _ from 'underscore'; import $ from 'jquery'; import urlJoin from 'url-join'; import { Promise } from 'q'; _.mixin(underscoreDB); function ajaxRequest(options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.ajax(options) .then(resolve) .fail(reject); }); } export default function DBMixin(type) { let result = { db: [] }; let methods = _(result.db); _.extend(result, methods); _.extend(result, { insert(attributes) { return ajaxRequest({ type: 'POST', url: urlJoin(type), data: attributes }) .then(response => { return response; }) .then(response => methods.insert(response)); }, removeById(id) { return ajaxRequest({ type: 'DELETE', url: urlJoin(type, id) }) .then(() => methods.removeById(id)); }, fetch(id) { return ajaxRequest({ type: 'GET', url: urlJoin(type, id) }) .then(response => _.isArray(response) ?, _response => methods.insert(_response)) : methods.insert(response) ); } }); return result; }
import Reflux from 'reflux'; import CommentActions from 'actions/CommentActions'; import DBMixin from 'mixins/DBMixin'; import { Promise } from 'q'; export default Reflux.createStore({ mixins: [new DBMixin('comments')], listenables: [CommentActions], onFetchComments() { CommentActions.fetchComments.promise( new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.fetch() .then(comments => resolve(comments)) .then(() => this.trigger()) .catch(reject); }) ); }, onCreateComment(content) { CommentActions.createComment.promise( new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.insert({ content, updatedAt: new Date().getTime() }) .then(comment => resolve(comment)) .then(() => this.trigger()) .catch(reject); }) ); }, onRemoveComment(commentID) { CommentActions.removeComment.promise( new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.removeById(commentID) .then(comment => resolve(comment)) .then(() => this.trigger()) .catch(reject); }) ); } });
Open http://localhost:3000 in browser. and check your app make get request after initial rendering and your comments is correctly rendered.
add db.json to .gitignore
node_modules db.json